Sustainable HFC

Founded in late 2017, Sustainable HFC welcomes HFC employees and students to meet monthly and address sustainability issues and projects. The group's goals are:

  1. Support a culture of environmental sustainability at HFC through social action, education, and service.
  2. Recommend and study ideas, policies, and initiatives for College governance.
  3. Educate the HFC community on sustainability movements and successes through College media resources, presentations, workshops, and partnerships.
  4. Celebrate and support individual and group efforts across the College.
  5. Welcome and encourage representation and insight from everyone who cares about sustainability. Learn and grow through different perspectives and experiences.
  6. Encourage service-learning education opportunities and leadership for students, staff, educators, and our broader community.

Upcoming Sustainable HFC Meeting

September 13, 2023 2:30pm-3:30pm
Meeting will be held via Zoom. All are welcome.
Nonmembers interested in attending a meeting or joining the group, please contact Mary Parekunnel (