Henry Ford College ROCC@HFC

Welcome to Henry Ford College ROCC@HFC Portal. This website addresses gender discrimination and sexual misconduct which includes any experience of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment. It provides information about the College's policies, the responsibilities of the members of our community, survivor rights, and information about resources both on campus and available in the community.

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Henry Ford College is committed to fostering an environment in which all members of our community are safe from gender discrimination (including discrimination based on gender identity and expression) and sexual misconduct. Our community expects that all interpersonal relationships and interactions especially those of an intimate nature be grounded upon mutual respect, open communication, and clear consent.

We aspire to be a community free of discrimination and sexual violence. The Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (Title IX) Policy at Henry Ford College takes allegations of gender discrimination and sexual misconduct with the utmost seriousness. Our values demand fair and prompt investigations, respect for the privacy of the parties, and commitment to due process. It is our goal that anyone who experiences gender discrimination or sexual misconduct feel safe, is informed regarding their options, know their rights, and is connected to resources that will promote health and support a successful collegiate experience.

Note: While Henry Ford College constituents intend Henry Ford College’s ROCC@HFC for use; faculty and staff must report incidents involving students to the Student Title IX Coordinator. For incidents involving faculty and staff, please contact the Human Resources Title IX Coordinator.

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